Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Photo Tip - Simplicity

The following is for all.

The other day, someone told me they wanted to take a creative picture and that they could see the idea in their head but when it came time to take the picture, they said they could not do it because they did not have the experience I had. True it does take experience but what the person was lacking was not the entirely the experience but rather the simplicity. They were trying so hard to make it creative that it got complex and unattractive. As I mentioned in prior posts, first we must learn basics before we can create art.

My advice to that person is the same for many of my photos. Try to eliminate any clutter or background that does not add necessity to it. If you plan on using some element in the photo, often it is best to use all of it or none of it at all. Using part of the element only becomes more of a distraction. If you do this (and if by chance you are struggling to make the photo creative), your photos usually will come out more appealing and attractive than before.

I like to compare it to Sherlock Holmes. What ever you eliminate, that which remains, no matter how improbable must be the cause. Of course, here I mean what remains will be a clean, original yet simple photo.

Often, keeping it SIMPLE works best!

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