Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Seven tips for shooting in tough lighting

Photographybay.com has posted some tips for shooting in difficult lighting.
It mostly applies to indoor, very dim lighting.

  1. Shoot RAW
  2. Use a Fast Lens with Manual Override or Manually Focus
  3. Over/Underexpose Depending on the Shot You Want
  4. Don’t Worry About White Balance…Yet
  5. Crank Your ISO Up Modestly
  6. Convert to B/W or Use Crazy Color Processing
  7. Only Sharpen After You Noise Process
This should greatly help when shooting concerts and shows.

For more details, click the title above.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

4 Principles of Photography Marksmanship

Photographybay.com has posted tips on how your stance should be when taking a picture. Similar to a marksman holding a gun, the guide suggests four ways on holding your camera:
  1. Grip & Hold
  2. Stance
  3. Shutter Release
  4. Breath Control
Funny enough, these tips co-incide with my philosophy of having a special forces type of mentality when shooting; stop being a machine gunner and hit your target right the first time!

More details can be found by clicking the title.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year 2010!

Hello to you all!

I hope 2010 brings you a great new year of health and happiness and much new and interesting photography. 2009 was a busy year and so I'm hoping in 2010 I can find the time to post very helpful and important tips.

Take care this year and happy photography!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

No time

Hello to all,

As you may have noticed, there hasn't been a posting since October. I've had very little time to write anything. So it looks like it'll be in the New Year that I write again.

So I wish you all Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and a Happy New 2010 Year!

Monday, October 5, 2009

A little badmington anyone?

A funny image to start off the week courtesy of the Pentax Photo Gallery.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Photography T-Shirts – Cafepress.ca

Click title for link

Since its FRIDAY today, I thought I'd post something fun.

Ever walk the streets and thought, "I'd like everyone to know I'm a photographer!" (as if the big camera and lens wasn't obvious enough)?

Well over at Cafepress.ca, you can get a t-shirt to do such a thing! They have pre-made t-shirts with funny expressions or you can have a custom one made with your business logo.

Below are a few samples.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

World Press Photo 09 Exhibition

Click title for link

For those of you interested in photojournalism, the World Press Photo association presents an exhibition of this year's most influential and eye capturing photojournalistic images from press photographers from around the world. "World Press Photo" visits 80 cities around the globe and makes its stop in Montreal Sep 4 – Oct 4 at the Just For Laughs museum. Featured highlights include the prize winning photo from American press photographer Anthony Suau.

The exhibition features other showcases such as "La Foire de L'Image" with a selection of over 400 images by
Canadian photographers.

(updated 09/27/09)

*I have just visited the exhibition. It really is worth the visit, especially at $5 for students. I, having been trained in photojournalism, really took in the depth of what the photo journalist tried to convey to us. It runs through an array of emotions and really captures the human condition, sometimes at risk of the press photographer themselves. Most note worthy was the emphasis on the 2008-2009 Georgia–Russia crisis, an event that many have or didn't realize went on.

The exhibition runs from 11am to 10pm every day.

Musée juste pour rire
2111 boul. St. Laurent
Tickets: 514-845-2322